Monday, February 17, 2020

Data Science Job


 Introduction/Business Problem
London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, London is considered to be one of the world's most important global cities and has been termed the world's most powerful, most desirable, most influential, most visited, most expensive, innovative, sustainable, most investment friendly, and most popular for work, London ranks 26th out of 300 major cities for economic performance, It is the most-visited city as measured by international arrivals and has the busiest city airport system as measured by passenger traffic. It is the leading investment destination
In respect to this I will be considering London as regards which location is suitable for to relocate to, since London is a big City and as such travelers who have different thought and purpose at heart should be able to make decision WHERE or which set of places is in my best interest, using FourSquare Locations to explore the city and borough around the city, giving information of the city her constituent.
This is targeted towards making decision as regards where is best to make a journey, where is best to have a tourist visit, where is best to set up a business.

Explanation of DataSets and How it would solve problem
The data set used includes the following:
1. london-borough-profiles.csv from the : London Dataset, it is a csv file with 8 rows and 84 colums: which includes: Area_name, Inner/_Outer_London, GLA_Population_Estimate_2017, Population_density_(per_hectare)_2017 Average_Age,_2017, Proportion_of_population_aged_0-15,_2015, Proportion_of_population_of_working-age,_2015, Proportion_of_population_aged_65_and_over,_2015, Net_internal_migration_(2015) Net_international_migration_(2015), Net_natural_change_(2015), %_of_resident_population_born_abroad_(2015) Largest_migrant_population_by_country_of_birth_(2011) , %_of_largest_migrant_population_(2011) Second_largest_migrant_population_by_country_of_birth_(2011) %_of_second_largest_migrant_population_(2011) Third_largest_migrant_population_by_country_of_birth_(2011) %_of_third_largest_migrant_population_(2011) %_of_population_from_BAME_groups_(2016) %_people_aged_3+_whose_main_language_is_not_English_(2011_Census, New_migrant_(NINo)_rates,_(2015/16), Largest_migrant_population_arrived_during_2015/16, Second_largest_migrant_population_arrived_during_2015/16, Third_largest_migrant_population_arrived_during_2015/16, Employment_rate_(%)_(2015) Male_employment_rate_(2015), Female_employment_rate_(2015), Unemployment_rate_(2015) e.t.c

FourSquare Location Search: Exploring the area London: giving the Borough and the information of specified  which contained the list Borough in London alongside it’s latitude and Longitude though in W & E format, therefore Cleaning the Data is paramount

This Above data would be used to solve the Problem such that it would be a pointer to decision making in the city and how travelers can make decision as regards Location to specified areas in the city to ensure, good decision making for business personnel’s, to travelers, and visitors where can they visit as regards tourism

As a database, I used GitHub repository in my study. My master data which has the main components Borough Latitude, Longitude, Mortality rate from preventable cause, Median House, Price, Crime rates, Active businesses, Gross Annual Pay, Unemployment rate, Average Age.

I got the neighborhood data from Foursquare as regards the venue category of the City in relation to Borough.

Then I grouped the visited places in a format of most visited venue within a Borough in London.
I used machine learning technique K Clustering to form a group the closely related venue together within Clustes in the Borough.

I used Follium to visualize it with different color indincating the various


Data used to indicate Location with the first cluster which also includes information like the Crime rate, Average Age, Active Business, Employment Rate, all within the 1st cluster so that any individual who to migrate can also pick the best place within the cluster that will suit his/her purpose of migration into London.
London is considered to be one of the world's most important global cities, as I have mentioned above. This Project is aimed at equipping travelers to know adequately depending on his/her purpose of going to London to have a full view of what is attainable and also where is appreciated for the purpose of the journeying.
For Example: A young man coming from India to London for the purpose of tourism is likely to go to Harrow, where the most visited place is Indian Resturant and Indian Movie theather is the 3rd most visited, also a Yoga studio is also very visited. And the age bracket is about 40.
From this Project, people who are turning to big cities to start a business or work, to do tourism, to open a restaurant etc, can achieve better outcomes through their access to the platforms where such information is provided.
For them to make decision of where is suitable to accommodate them with utmost profit and Convenience.
[3] Forsquare API

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